Lyon Medical University: an accessible campus!

Lyon's university medical campus was the scene of Evelity's first field tests in early 2019. At the initiative of this laboratory of experiments: the Institute of Training in Physiotherapy for the Visually Impaired (IFMKDV), on the Rockefeller site.
One year after the deployment of our all-disability indoors guidance solution, Nathalie Rivaux, the director of the institute, tells us about Evelity and its use by students in the Rockefeller University buildings!
The interview of Nathalie Rivaux...
- Hello, can you introduce yourself in a few words?
"Hello, my name is Nathalie Rivaux, I am the director of the ESPR IFMKDV and I have been in this position for 3 years but have been employed for 16 years. I am more specifically in charge of the medico-social support of the establishment in connection with the professionals of the service." - You are the director of the IFMKDV within the University of Medicine in Lyon. How have your students been going until now?
"We are lucky at the IFMKDV to have a 0.2 FTE locomotion instructor. She is in charge of locating new students, especially at the beginning of the year, visiting the university and its strategic places: lecture halls, cafeteria, practice rooms, university restaurant, etc. In the course of the year, if there are particular needs, she can intervene again. The Rockefeller site has been equipped since we moved in in 2009, on the first floor and the first floor, with guide-lines, alertness strips, stair risers, as well as a sound system that is triggered with the beacons of the audible lights. But this system was not installed throughout the site."
- Evelity was installed a little over a year ago. What did your students think of it?
"The students who have tested this device have given very positive feedback. This application has allowed them to discover the site in greater depth and, above all, to move independently in places that were previously inaccessible to them." - Have you seen it evolve over the months?
"I haven't personally kept up with the app, but I've seen students regularly walk by my office with their smartphones looking for a new place or on a guidance tour." - How did the project implementation go?
"Charlene from Okeneea has been very present for the students and I thank her for that. We had regular check-ins together and I am very happy that despite the health situation the tests were able to be completed." - Would you recommend Evelity?
"Yes, without a doubt, when you see the enthusiasm of the student testers.
They would like it to be accessible in other places: subway, shopping centers. It provides them with significant autonomy thanks to the precision of the audio guidance and would especially allow them to go in spaces to which they do not have access at present." - The final word?
"We would like the university to validate the permanent installation of Evelity and not only on the Rockefeller site because beyond students with disabilities, this application would be valuable for other people: teachers, new students, international students..."
Discover also...
The "first experience" interview of Khaled Khettab from UNADEV on his guidance using our Evelity solution, in the Rockefeller Medical University in Lyon 👇