We are very proud to present to you these 2 videos shot in the Lyon metro. There are now 2 navigation modes to get you to your destination in the Evelity application.
👉 One with simple instructions for visually impaired people or for people who want minimalist interfaces, just with icons and text.
👉 The other includes an interface with a map of the place that includes drawn routes and your position in real-time. This can suit all users.
Navigation with the map of the venue
Navigation with simple instructions interface (texts and icons)
Okeenea Digital was born from this incredible project! Three years ago, the Régie des Transports Métropolitains (RTM), the company that operates the two lines and 29...
We’re very proud and excited to be selected as one of the finalists of the Transit Tech Lab Challenges, run by the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) and the...